You Will Accept Your Body In 2024
Summer Body Thoughts
We know they’re impossible but because we want this “summer body” we follow through with it.
It’s that time of the year; after we’ve indulged in many holiday food traditions, we decide on December 31st, that we want to change our eating habits. When the clock strikes 12, and we start the new year, we create outrageous diets that are outright impossible! We know they’re impossible but because we want this “summer body” we follow through with it. I’m here to tell you, you don’t have to suffer through those agonizing roller coasters of diet culture anymore. No, I’m not selling a special plan or the latest surgery, I’m simply here to tell you that I’m accepting my body this year and you should accept yours as well.
As we’ve been dealing with COVID-19 and the changes that have come with it, we’ve been dealing with the constant struggle of being productive and going back to “normal.”It’s difficult to go back to normal and be productive at a time when people are being underpaid and dealing with a health crisis. Not only do we have to protect ourselves, but we also have to protect the children and elders in our lives. The last thing we have on our minds is if we can fit into clothes at Zara or not.
Although this topic has been bubbling over our society for some time, I’ve realized how I approach food and body image. I’ve realized that my approach has been wrong! I recognize that I was working out to fit others' standards while suppressing my appetite, not dieting. After looking at more body positivity content, including the Savage X Fenty show, and following Find Food Freedom on Instagram, I’ve realized that our approach to body weight and health (as a society) is a pipe dream. These diets and workout plans are not made for the average, everyday person. Now that I’ve taken a step back and had a chance to reflect, pushing diets onto people isn’t effective since different body types need different amounts of food. There isn’t an all-encompassing diet for every body type. This is also before we factor in racial and economic factors. Speaking of economic factors, we also must remember that the people who are telling us what type of bodies to have possessed the money to get the personal trainer and surgery to follow that trendy diet; but most of us don’t!
When you consider all this, I hope you go into the New Year not feeling the need to start a diet or lose weight. Unless you have to lose weight for medical reasons, don’t do it. Embrace and love your body! There’s absolutely no reason to go to extreme lengths to change yourself. On January 1st, put down that salad and go ahead and eat that cupcake.