A Pet's Life

Oh, how we love our furry family members! We dress them up, talk to them, love on them, and spoil them like crazy. They deserve it. Every time we come home they leap with excitement wanting nothing more than our presence. The peace and joy our fur babies bring to us are unmeasurable! They sense our emotions and act accordingly. They have a knack for lifting us up when we’re having a bad day and give us life in every way, shape, and form. So, spoiling them is second nature.

While many of us enjoy daily walks with our dogs or merely watch our cats or rabbits run amuck, there are various other activities we can indulge in with them.

Have you ever watched your dog eat the peanut butter out of a Kong? It is oddly hilarious and satisfying. Kongs are great for dogs as they help clean teeth and keep jaws strong. They also keep dogs busy for hours as they try to get every treat out.
Another fun activity for your beloved dog is to turn on the sprinkler and let them have the time of their life. Your dog will run through the water, sit or lay down in the water, drink it, and roll around. The list goes on and on!

While cats on the other hand are not fans of water, they do love visual stimulation. Surprisingly, they like to watch TV. Cuddle up, (if they’ll let you) and put on an action-packed movie with your feline companion.

String and yarn are an old but great delight to a cat’s soul! Grab some string and let it dangle behind you when you move. Your cat will swat, grab, and swing at the string attempting to get it away from you. It’s another activity that is quite comical to watch!
Lavish your pets with some retail therapy. You can benefit from it as well, but I digress. This is for our 4-legged friends. For the bougie fur baby, walking around in a posh boutique specifically designed for them with clothing, treats, costumes, and more will impress even the most finicky of pets. They’ll be the talk of the town as they sport their new fresh gear!

Many restaurants will allow your pet on their patios if you’re dining there. Call in advance to make sure this is allowed. Imagine a date where you can be your complete self without any facades! You can eat to your heart's delight. Your date will never judge you!
Whatever activities you choose to do with your pet, make it count. Consistent activities with your loyal companion will benefit them in countless ways. You will notice a better mood, behavior boosters, a healthy weight, and a tighter bond with you. Not only will these activities benefit your fur baby, but some of them can also be a benefit to you. Increasing our movement and getting out and about with our pets increases happiness and helps with overall health.

Our beloved fur babies bring us much joy and comfort when we’re with them. Make sure you are giving back to them all that they pour into you.

Meredith Cook

Meredith Cook is a Chicago, IL native and a professional Chemical Engineer & Consultant. Her background includes engineering, manufacturing and supply chain management. She is married and a mother of one amazing little girl! After leaving corporate America and deciding to stay home with her baby in a new city, the internet became an opportunity to meet new mothers and children. It sounds simple, but the reality is…it wasn’t. Through the journey of meeting mothers, she learned there are countless moms having great experiences with their kids, so why not share them.


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