You've Overstayed Your Welcome.

Raising children is hard. Very hard. As parents, we work overtime nurturing, teaching, guiding, and of course, protecting our young ones. This year has required us to arm ourselves and our children with weapons, prayers, and vitamins for health and immunity. The problem is, Ms. COVID has not gotten the picture that we would like her to leave. Immediately! The door, darling! So here we are, walking into another school year with the threat of Ms. COVID welcoming herself into our children’s schools and classes.

Many students have already returned to school. I typically homeschool my children, but as my younger children watched their older siblings go to high school, they decided they wanted to attend traditional school as well. Once I got out of my feelings, I realized that we have encouraged them to be a part of their educational decisions. Unfortunately, we are still in a COVID-19 reality. Is sending them to school really safe right now? After many conversations with my husband, we decided to allow them to go, but that they mask up, take immunity boosters, eat lots of fruits and veggies, have sanitizer on deck at all times, the list goes on.

On the first day of school, I stood at school with my son, waiting for the bell to ring, I noticed the number of children and their parents with and without masks. I recognize that as strongly as I feel about wearing a mask, many other parents feel just as strongly against their children wearing one. Parenting should not be politically motivated. I must believe that we are all doing what we feel is right for our children. But in the end, how will we ever get past this COVID era if we aren’t all on the same page? But I digress. That’s a different article for another time!

To school or not to school? That is the million-dollar question. I wish there were a solid answer for this, but there’s not. Again, this parenting thing is hard. Some people pray for answers, some meditate, some call on the ancestors, and some roll the dice. Whatever your strategy, please do what you believe is best for you and your family. However, be mindful of others and encourage your children to sanitize and wash their hands throughout the day. Also, wearing their masks correctly protects not only themselves but those around them.

There are other educational options should you feel more comfortable keeping your child/children at home. Virtual/online programs are at the click of a key. With homeschooling families on the rise, finding the right educational program for your family is an easy task.

Should you be up for it, you could create your own curriculum. As parents, we set the foundation for our children’s learning. Homeschooling is not as hard as some may think. Let me be clear it does take a great level of patience, but it can be just as rewarding for you as it is for your student[s].

There is much flexibility in homeschooling, including time, subject matter, and level. Don’t think you have to model traditional schooling with absolutes. Homeschooling really is what you make it.

As Ms. Rona a.k.a. Ms. COVID continues to wreak havoc on our lives, we want to make sure now more than ever that we are pouring into our children and giving them some sense of normalcy and consistency. Whether you send your students to school or keep them home, just know you are doing what’s best for your family.

So keep them safe, love on them as much as they’ll allow, and keep on keeping on. Eventually, Ms. Rona will get the hint!

Meredith Cook

Meredith Cook is a Chicago, IL native and a professional Chemical Engineer & Consultant. Her background includes engineering, manufacturing and supply chain management. She is married and a mother of one amazing little girl! After leaving corporate America and deciding to stay home with her baby in a new city, the internet became an opportunity to meet new mothers and children. It sounds simple, but the reality is…it wasn’t. Through the journey of meeting mothers, she learned there are countless moms having great experiences with their kids, so why not share them.


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